Submitting a support request…
So, you have looked in the knowledge base, documentation, videos, forums but have not yet found the answer you are looking for.
Well, it’s that time to log a support request to see whether we can help you. However, before clicking on the button below, make sure you’ve read our guidelines for requesting support. You can help us do a better job in helping you with your problem.
“The quality of an answer depends significantly on the quality of the question.”
Guidelines to requesting support.
For us to answer your support questions it’s important to supply us with all relevant (sometimes maybe trivial) information, please.
The list below contains an overview of things that can help us in giving you support effectively.
- Indicate the software version you are using if it relates to the software
- Indicate which OS you are using, for example: ‘Windows 10’
- Add configuration/macro files like ‘cnc.ini‘ and/or ‘macro.cnc‘
- Add (any) drawing on how things are currently connected, if that relates to your question.
- Add which CNC controller is used.
- Tell us what you already have done to solve the problem.
- Picture and/or videos are also very welcomed in understanding issues.
For version 5:
- Create a support archive, for more info look at this video