If you experience issues, please submit a support archive (Setup -> License & Support -> Create archive) when you contact us. That will give us the information that helps narrow down the problem. Thank you! Windows 7: Please ensure that Service Pack 1 (SP1) is installed. 25-07-2023 V5.00b8 hotfix2: - Correct the behavior when resuming job from pause with UIO-10 / OP-25 Revision history: 23-03-2023 V5.00b8 hotfix1: - Prevent tandem axis homing if homing switches have different state to prevent issues - Add support for new firmware versions - Change formatting of General Terms and Conditions for End-Users - Block input of comma key in interpreter dialog 08-03-2023 V5.00b8: - New feature available for testing: AUX output that can be set as brake output; the brake output represents state of drive enable output - New feature available for testing: Setup password timeout; after the timeout the password is requested again when accessing the setup tab - New feature available for testing: Custom board IP address; Please note that this setting does not need to be changed unless the board is configured to use a different IP address than default - New setting: hide speed and feed override buttons - Remove descriptions of 3D view line colors from on top of the 3D view - Fix spindle config table showing tool output when no output is selected - Change decimal count in tool table to 4 - Add an indicator to feed/speed override values in the Operate view when feed/speed override is disabled - Stepper spindle settings have been added to the setup - Fix "and not" phrase in the macro - Correct long file mode setting in the setup to not accept decimal values - Change axis steps/unit setting to accept 10 decimals - Show a dialog with release notes on new installations and when upgrading version - Shift coordinates feature is now back in the jog dialog - Rename default name for MIST and FLOOD outputs from COOLANT1 and COOLANT2 06-02-2023 V5.00b7: - New feature available for testing: Add new AUX safety input action that blocks interactions with the machine for as long as it is high - Add AUX safety input settings to the setup - G10L20 zeroing is now set on by default for new configurations - Correct the way DRO click actions are influenced by settings useG10L20Zeroing and showZeroButton settings - Correct zero buttons next to DRO to use useG10L20Zeroing setting - Add an indication in UIO-10 configuration interface that shows if an UIO-10 is currently connected - Add support for 50 user macros as an action for an UIO-10 (up from 20) - Add analog input support for UIO-10 (check product page for firmware upgrade) - Fix issue with values not working correctly with custom M-commands in some circumstances - Change feed rate display in operate page to display in orange when feed override is 0% - Fix service page displaying values only up to a certain value - Fix direction inversion and homing settings in axis setup not applying correctly once changed - Fix external error setting unable to be turned on - Fix GetToolInfo command returning invalid values - Fix AUX inputs not displaying correct state in IO tab - Fix step frequency setting displaying value other than set in some circumstances - Add 25kHz step frequency option for CNC720/760 04-01-2023 V5.00b6 fix: - Fix an issue with starting the wireless handwheel software 21-12-2022 V5.00b6: - Implemented 'loadjob': this command allows loading of files from macro or job files. Usage: loadjob "filepath" 1|0 where: filepath is path to the file; '0' to only load the job, '1' to immediately run the job example: loadjob "C:/CNC4.03/cnc-jobs/DRAAK.cnc" 0 - Fixed an issue where certain subroutine names cause an internal error - Correct auto job load feature not working in some cases - Silence consecutive warnings for auto job reload feature in the event that the job file is being changed multiple times - Add tooltip to job file text preview lines, so that very long lines can be still read upon hovering the mouse cursor on them - Fix positioning of interpreter dialog - Fix issues with relative job paths - Change interpolation time setting decimals from 2 to 4 in the Setup tab - Correct home calls from HOME bottom menu - Fix an issue that prevented homing routine from being completed in combination with specific configuration values - Increase contrast between LED indicator on and off state (in the UI) - Fixed an issue where LAF settings were changed to default values - Fix an issue where G18 was not working correctly and the job file failed to load as a consequence - Add setting to Setup tab that allows for G2 and G3 commands to be swapped - Fix some messages in the message log not appearing on start of the software - Remove obsolete CncTranslationsUnicode.txt file from installation - Show a warning in message log if macro file was not found and default macro is being used - Remove plasma parameter warnings if the machine type is not plasma - Correct wrong current job file being selected in some circumstances - Correct feed value when starting a job from search - Show a warning during configuration upgrade if the macro file could not be located (this can happen in an event where the configuration comes from another PC - please copy the macro file manually) - Restore warnings about settings that could not be read from configuration files - please note that settings for new features also show a warning first time the software is run - Fix certain values not being read correctly from server.ini configuration file 28-10-2022 V5.00b5 - Fix an issue where G83 command retracted to safe height instead of the R value - Added a crash reporter that reports crashes automatically - this allows us to better address issues, no personal or computer data is collected - Include translation in German language - Sizes of certain display element, layout have been adjusted to better accomodate different language translations - (Turning machine) Corrected jogging distance for X axis in step mode when diameterProgramming is enabled - Reduced delay for which dlgmsg buttons are blocked - Increase maximum machine limit value to 1000000 - Fix probe offset input rejecting negative values - Fix tool table not updating after tool properties have changed through variable system - Fix an issue where in some circumstances the tool table is not saved - Increase default size of MDI window - Include wireless handwheel model 2 option as a handwheel type setting - Fix wrong variable number used in Kress macro example - Correct the program icon in Windows' program list - Tool number and tool compensation information is now displayed on top of the machine 3D view - New 'User Lock' feature: the UI will stop responding to input while locked. This feature can be toggled with keyboard shortcut ALT-L - Fix incorrect line number being reported after encountering an error with the macro file - Highlight current active coordinate system in the Coordinates tab - Change the font used in the UI to provide better compatibility betweeen different computer systems - Fixed broken links to information regarding settings in the Setup tab - Include links to more settings in the Setup tab - Add work coordinate camera feature - the camera is now in a dialog window and will remember it's geometry. Please note that camera display settings are not added yet - Add timestamp insert to msg/logmsg command e.g. 'msg "time: "%d' will output 'Time: 2022-10-28 13:35:52' - The decimal separator is now consistent in the UI - Fix an issue where in some cases variables were not stored when closing software - Remove up/down keyboard arrow interaction from job file view and message log - Keyboard arrow jogging while in Operate tab is now permitted in more situations - Resolve an issue where the wireless pendant does not work on certain mobile PC systems 29-06-2022 V5.00b4 ================== - Fix an issue with the interpreter dialog where pressing the escape key on keyboard resulted in macro being stuck - Reduced tooltip delay as the default value made it difficult to notice - Reloading a job file will no longer change bottom menu to "AUTO"; behaviour unchanged for loading a job through other means - Fix an issue where negative axis limit input would not accept certain values - Add a message in the setup screen that system is not ready to save if state is not "Ready" - Add a message to the message log when job/macro are reloaded - Fix an issue where UIO-10 setup allowed for more selector switch items in one group than allowed (16) 09-06-2022 V5.00b3 ================== - Corrected behavior of interpreter comparison against decimal values - IF YOU COMPARE AGAINST DECIMALS IN YOUR MACRO, PLEASE REVIEW IT BEFORE TESTING - Fixed issue with tangential knife positioning being too slow in some circumstances - Added more settings to the setup - Reorganized settings in the setup - Added an online resource containing a list of settings and references within the setup to this resource ( https://docs.edingcnc.com/settings ) - Restored setup password lock feature - Renamed the "Peripherals" tab to "Accessory devices" in the setup - Renamed the "Interpreter" tab to "Interpreter & trajectory" in the setup - New settings: 'Show Home X-C buttons" - New settings: 'Show Zero X-C buttons" - Fix file path picking for certain items in the setup - Fix the clickDROisG0 setting - Update links to the new website - Remove scientific notation display for numeric values in the setup - Add cross compensation configuration option for Z-axis - Fix unnecessary ellipsis in axis/spindle tables - Made it possible to enter positive values as negative axis limit - Add axis travel length display-only value to the axis configuration table - Fix compensation/spindle PWM table storage path - Fix an issue where the setup sometimes forces a software restart where it is not necessary - cnc.ini file is now backed up - User action log now logs start/close events and uses a readable date format - Support archive now contains spindle PWM/pitch compensation/cross compensation tables - Support archive now also checks if Ethernet boards are reachable - Support archive tool now also offers to add the current job file to the archive - Add a shortcut in the installation directory to start the software - Add a warning in the installer that an internet connection is required for optional software - VS redistributable (required dependency) is now bundled with the installer instead of installed online, and it is now automatically installed - Show a message on start when the software is running in simulation-only mode - Show a message on start when the message is connected to a board - Show a persistent warning when machine axes are not all homed. Please note that the home macro has to be called on all axes in order for the machine to be considered as homed and correctly enforce machine limits. - Corrected displayed font size scaling - Adjusted active G-Code display font and size in order to display two lines - Adjusted colors of the 3D view - Starting view angle of the 3D view is now top-down - Change the style of buttons in dialogs that are pressed by default when Enter key is pressed to be distinct (thick outline) - Adjust the font size of the feed/speed widget to prevent the text from clipping - Restore display of compensation value in DRO - Correct welcome dialog layout - Minor text adjustments - Added tooltips to UI elements in all tabs - Load job dialog will now remember the last used directory across sessions - Job files can now be loaded by dragging them from file explorer to the application window - Add dialog that offers the user to reset the machine if attempting to load a job in a state other than 'Ready' - Change the bottom menu to the "AUTO" menu when a job is loaded if that is not the case - Current job line is now displayed in the middle of the job G-Code view - Adjust auto keys options layout for better readability - Adjust the job search options layout for better readability - Adjust the job progress bar style for better readability - Disable part of teach in buttons until a file is selected - Disable part of the Z-height compensation buttons until a file is selected - Display message if the software is already running when starting software - Show error message if the connection to CncServer fails from UI when starting software - Switch to the work position DRO tab when work offset changes - Fix ESC key action not working if MDI is open - Fix the MDI dialog being on top of every other window on the PC - Fixed dlgmsg dialog layout - Block dlgmsg buttons for a short duration after it shows, to prevent submitting the values accidentally - Display warning that motors will switch off when saving settings - Display warning that motors will switch off when closing software - Draw vacuum sections on the 3D view - Draw tool change sections on the 3D view - Restore message log message colors - Display message in message log when the software is running in simulation-only mode - Display the description field of a tool when asking the user to insert that tool - Prevented message log from becoming too slow - Adjust message log size slightly to show more messages - Display a message with used tools after a job is loaded - Create more visual separation between variable watch address and actual variable values - Display a warning above the variable watch - Fix variable watch not always showing accurate data - Fix variable watch not accepting values with decimals - Variable tab fields (including the variable watch) will now display their respective variable number in their tooltip - Add a checkbox that locks variable watch from being edited to prevent accidental changes - Adjust the UpgradeIniGUI tool layout to make the upgrade button stand out more - Upgrade tool now also offers to copy directories and .dll files added to the previous installation by the user - Fix a couple of small issues with ini upgrade process 15-12-2021 V5.00b2 ================== * - Fixed cnc.ini upgrade error "unknown node" - UpgradeIniGUI tool has been upgraded to recognize different types of configuration and will provide information accordingly to that - UpgradeIniGUI tool now permits choosing custom destination path - UpgradeIniGUI tool will now create a simple log file for diagnostics * - Kinematics DLLs are now contained in separate directory * - Removed CNC7xx bootloader from installation - Added a 'Legacy' color style that resembles the previous software versions - Fixed line that separated top tabs and content not displaying correctly - Top tabs are now slightly wider - Top tabs now have subtle visual separation - Added visual separation between 3D view and the rest of operate view - Changed background color of the 3D view - Increased size of axis labels on the 3D view - LED indicators are now displaying darker color when off instead of the same dark grey color for all of them - Fixed message box clipping with the bottom edge - Message box will now clear when machine is reset - Changed message box background color - Jog timeout warning will display less often (functionality unchanged) - Increased limit of tool length input in the Tools tab - Added title labels in the bottom F-keys menu - Added units to labels in Service tab - Coordinates tab will now ask the user if they are certain to set an offset - Jogging is no longer permitted when job/macro text is focused - Corrected dlgmsg items being uneven when many items are displayed - dlgmsg will put focus on first variable input when shown, if it exists - Pressing ESC key now has the same functionality as in previous software versions - Added extended user buttons dialog - Added UIO10 config (in Input/output category in Setup tab) - Setup tab categories are now numbered - Number keys corresponding to category numbers can be pressed for quicker access - Added a button to discard all unsaved settings - Discard and save buttons in Setup tab can be only used when machine is in ready state - Merged camera settings into one category - Added fields to change I/O names - Added fields to change kinematics DLL and kinematics settings - Added fields to select spindle offset when 5-axis kinematics are selected - Added field to invert axis direction - Added a field that configures displayed tab character size in macro text in operate view - First time configuration wizard now allows negative values for steps/unit - First time configuration wizard now permits higher values - A message will be added to the message box when UIO-10 disconnects - Presence of UIO-10 is now detected after the software has started (not only on start as in previous software versions) - UIO-10 input state is now displayed in its configuration view at all times (not only when test mode is active) - Named parameters - CncStoreVariables() nu in cncapi - Detect configuration change for pump id (now switches off old output before using new) 09-09-2021 V5.00_b1.02 ====================== - Fix upgrade of old configuration files 30-08-2021 V5.00_b1.01 ====================== - Introduce axis direction option in setup 25-08-2021 V5.00_b1 =================== - First beta release